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Photo List “Zero waste port” in Wenzhou enable green navigation

Beijing, September 29 (Youth.cn) - Wenzhou (Zhejiang Province) has built “zero waste port” in Zhuangyuanao region to pave solid foundation for regional durable development while promoting economic growth. The project improves pollution-reduction capacity in the process of construction of “zero waste city”. As one of three core port areas in Wenzhou Port Area, it serves as a regional logistics hub. Zhuangyuanao handled 9.47 million tons of cargoes or 680 thousand of standard containers in 2023, equivalent to half of container transportation in Wenzhou Port Area. Excellent in international container transportation business, it also pays great efforts in ecological civilization construction. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-09-29 17:04:00

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