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Photo List Tea growers picked tea leaves to keep their fresh taste

Beijing, March 15 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken on March 15th in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. Tea growers were busy picking new-grown tea leaves in a large tea garden. With acreage of 40000 mu, the tea garden creates 150 millions yuan revenues every year and becomes a profitable pillar industry for local people. Tea trees are planted in a high-latitude and high-altitude place where cloud and mist are common and soil is rich in zinc and selenium. “Rains wash hills, good weather all the year” can be an appropriate description for the suitable grown environment. As a  transition belt of weather and soil from north and south, the unique environment nourishes the tea trees. The tea leaves are of good quality with rich nutrition. Photo/VCG
Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-03-15 15:10:00

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