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Photo List Airbnb launches its first underwater bedroom where guests are surrounded by sharks

  Forget monsters in the wardrobe, thrill-seeking tourists will soon be able to sleep with sharks surrounding their bedroom when visiting the French capital.

  Aquarium de Paris is opening up its doors to allow visitors to sleep in the world's first underwater bedroom on Airbnb.

  The room is submerged in the aquarium's shark tank, which is home to 35 of the deadly animals.

  For three nights in April, guests will be able to sleep in a bedroom in the shark tank at the Aquarium de Paris.

  Guests will sleep 10 metres underwater with a 360 degree view of the pool, which contains more than three million litres of water.

  The aquarium is offering the opportunity from 11-13 April through a competition in an effort to teach people more about sharks, which they believe are the most misunderstood animals in the world.

  Each night, four people will stay in the bedroom, with Fred Buyle, a world record-breaking freediver, underwater photographer, and shark conservationist as their host.

  Buyle will welcome the visitors by performing an underwater dance with the sharks, before taking them on a tour of the aquarium with one of the centre's marine biologists to explain how the animals live, why they're so misunderstood, and their importance to the ocean's ecosystem.

Editor:Di Source: Mail Online Time:2016-03-31 08:52:06


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