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Five militants killed in eastern Afghanistan

Time:2017-09-15 14:27:59 Source: Xinhua China Youth International

  Five Taliban militants were killed in two separate incidents in eastern Afghanistan, authorities said on Friday.

  On Thursday, three militants were killed and one other detained after Afghan National Army launched an operation in Joni, an area on the outskirt of Gardez city, capital of eastern Paktia province, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

  The army personnel also seized one vehicle and rounds of weapons and ammunition after the raid.

  In addition, two militants were killed after an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) they were planting along a road went off prematurely Thursday night in Tagab district of neighboring Kapisa province, the army Corps Selab 201 based in the region said in a statement earlier on Friday.

  Militancy and counter-militancy traditionally gets momentum in spring and summer commonly known as fighting season in Afghanistan.

  Local observers believe that the militants would intensify activities in summer to gain more territory and defame the government ahead of winter and snowfall in the mountainous country.

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