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Primary and secondary school to teach stock knowledge in Guangzhou

Time:2015-08-28 08:59:00 Source: People's Daily Online China Youth International

  (File Photo)

  36 primary and secondary schools in Guangzhou, south's China Guangdong province will open financial lessons in the new fall semester, nearly 10,000 students will be involved, according to the official website of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

  Guangzhou thus becomes the pilot city where the financial education firstly is involved into national educational curriculum system.

  As early as last March, Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau had recommended to the Guangdong provincial government to involve the financial knowledge into national curriculum system.

  Education Department of Guangdong Province proposed to develop teaching programs, prepare the corresponding teaching materials according to the current situation and needs of the students. The basics of financial securities knowledge will be core content of the education plan, which is aimed to form basic skills and awareness of students in finance, shape students' correct concept of wealth, and foster qualified financial consumers and investors in the future.

  According to the official website of China Securities Regulatory Commission, teaching materials written by experts will be very easy to understand thanks to the informative stories, vivid comic, lively language.

  Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau also have organized 36 pilot schools for centralized training of more than 80 teachers.

  Currently, 53 countries around the world has included financial education into the national basic education.

  In UK, financial education varies according the different age of the students: at 5 years old, children start to receive financial education; at 7 to 11 years old, they learn how to manage savings and bank accounts, and how to make budget; in the middle school, students will learn the knowledge about credit cards, loans and family financial liabilities.

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