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18 satellites on a single rocket: Hainan Commercial Spaceport’s Launch Pad No.1 debuts successfully

Time:2025-03-12 15:16:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, March 12 (Youth.cn) At 00:38 on March 12, 2025, the Long March 8 carrier rocket ignited and lifted off from Launch Pad No.1 at Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site, successfully deploying 18 "Qianfan Constellation" internet communication satellites into predetermined orbits. This mission marked both the inaugural launch from Pad No.1 and the first operational use of a dedicated launch platform for the Long March 8 rocket. The successful maiden flight of Pad No.1 signifies the spaceport's achievement of dual-pad launch capability, providing additional momentum for the development of China's commercial space industry. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu
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