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Nanchang: "Shangban Guangong Lantern" dances at the Lantern Festival touring the village to send blessings

Time:2025-02-13 14:03:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, February 13 (Youth.cn) - On February 12, 2025, in Shangban Village, Luoting Town, Wanli Administration Bureau, Nanchang City, villagers danced the "Shangban Guangong Lantern," which has a history of over 500 years, attracting many people. The "Shangban Guangong Lantern" is composed of more than 200 bench dragon lanterns connected together, led by the lantern head, and tours the village to send blessings to every household.

The "Shangban Guangong Lantern" is a national intangible cultural heritage, known for its solemnity, enthusiasm, and grandeur. It consists of a lantern head, a tail shaped like the character "Feng (丰, abundance)," and benches with three multi-angled lanterns inserted. The lanterns are painted with patterns of flowers and birds and inscribed with blessings such as "Four Seasons of Peace" and "Prosperity of People and Wealth," expressing the villagers' good wishes. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu
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