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Villagers are celebrating the Lantern Festival with radish lanterns in Tancheng

Time:2025-02-11 15:50:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, February 11 (Youth.cn) - On February 10, 2025, as the Lantern Festival is approaching, in Xin'er Village, Tancheng Sub-District, Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, villagers are making radish lanterns to welcome the festival.

The radishes are washed and cut, then hollowed out to form bowl-like shapes. Carved on the outer walls with patterns such as "Spring," "Good Fortune," and "Five Grains in Abundance," and after being placed with the wicks inside, they become radish lanterns. By lighting the radish lanterns, the villagers express their hope for favorable weather and a bountiful harvest. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu
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