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Xi’an: Buy panda plushies outside the Qinling Four Treasures Science Park

Time:2025-02-10 16:24:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, February 10 (Youth.cn) - On February 9, 2025, outside the Qinling Four Treasures Science Park in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, an array of cultural and creative products featuring giant panda designs of Qizai, Zhuzhu, and Yuanyuan catch peoples eyes. Citizens and tourists weaved through the stalls, browsing for souvenirs. These exquisitely designed cultural products include plushies, bags of various sizes, pendants, and more. Many visitors express that purchasing these items is not only for keepsakes but also a way to show their love and support for giant panda culture. The cultural and creative boom outside the park not only enhances visitors' experience but also further promotes Qinling's giant panda culture, forming a unique local attraction. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu
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