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The largest distributed solar photovoltaic system within a water treatment plant is operational

Time:2025-01-22 15:12:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, January 22 (Youth.cn) On January 20, 2025, aerial photographs of the Xiaoshan Environment Groups Linjiang Water Treatment Plant 30Mwp Distributed Solar Photovoltaic System are captured.

Recently, the largest distributed solar photovoltaic system within a water treatment plant in China - Xiaoshan Environment Groups Linjiang Water Treatment Plant 30Mwp Distributed Solar Photovoltaic System - was connected to the grid. With an installed capacity of 30 megawatt peak, the system makes use of the plants space, powering the water treatment process, while transmitting the rest of the electricity generated to the grid. Expected to transmit around 30 million kilowatt-hours every year, the system can save some 8,500 tons of coal consumed for the production of the same amount of energy, reducing nearly 25 thousand tons of carbon dioxide. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu
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