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Hundreds-year-old lattices reopen in the Humble Administrator's Garden

Time:2025-01-06 15:29:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, January 6 (Youth.cn) - On January 5, 2025, in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the Yiliang Pavilion, which is closed to the public for some 500 years, reopens in the Humble Administrator's Garden, for a short period of one month. 

The Yiliang Pavilion, whose name comes from a poem of the famous ancient Chinese poet Bai Juyi symbolizing harmony of the neighborhood, gets its lattices restored through the traditional craftsmanship. The windows feature the Pattern of Plums on Cracked Ice, and are made from thinned seashells. Each lattice frames an unique scenery of the garden. 

To preserve the architecture, the Yiliang Pavilion is open for a limited time of one month, when 15 people at most can enter the structure at the same time. This rare opportunity is surely being taken by countless tourists around the country to enjoy and appreciate the beauty and genius of the ancient China. Photo/VCG 

Editor:Wang Zimu
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