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Spokesperson's Remarks|Peace and security will be a major agenda topic of FOCAC Beijing Summit

Time:2024-09-04 22:03:00 Source: China Youth Daily China Youth International

Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson/MFA PRC

Beijing said on Wednesday that peace and security will be a major agenda topic of FOCAC Beijing Summit.

"Realizing lasting peace and common security is the common aspiration of the Chinese and African people. Helping each other on security issues is very much essential for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future." China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press conference in Beijing.

Mao stated that China put forward the Global Security Initiative, and has taken an active part in the UN peacekeeping operations, mediation efforts on hotspot issues in Africa, and efforts to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between regional countries on issues related to Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region and so on. China supports Africa in capacity-building on maintaining peace and stability and fighting terrorism, and has provided emergency food assistance to Africa on humanitarian grounds several times to help the continent cope with food and other non-traditional security challenges.

"We look forward to working with African countries to implement the Global Security Initiative, address security challenges, and promote world peace and development." Mao said. (By Ma Ziqian/China Youth Daily)

Editor:Hou Qianqian
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