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White porcelain from Dehua County displayed in National Art Museum

Time:2024-07-19 15:41:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, July 19 (Youth.cn) - A white porcelain art exhibition is taking place in National Art Museum these days. Organized by Porcelain Development Committee of Dehua County, the art exhibition displays over 150 porcelain art works. Figure sculpture, decorative objects, installation art and other art works interpret vividly the ancient delicate beauty of white porcelain. With the topic of "Dehua white porcelain enjoy great prestige in the world for its art figurability", the exposition show art works in three parts, respectively "searching for her hundreds of times in the crowd", "days and nights" and "world-renowned white porcelain", displaying rich porcelain culture, exquisite porcelain skill and delicate porcelain art works. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang
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