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Final of traditional science and technology maritime model competition for primary and secondary school students in Dongcheng District was held in Beijing

Time:2023-05-29 21:24:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, May 29 (Youth.cn) - On May 28th, 2023, the "2023 final of traditional science and technology maritime model competition for primary and secondary school students in Dongcheng District" was held in Beijing. The event was organized by the extracurricular education office of Dongcheng District education committee and hosted by Mingcheng Youth and Children’s Center with the theme "Understanding Traditional Science and Technology, Creating a Better Tomorrow." Over 5,800 athletes from 57 primary and secondary schools and 3 external institutions participated in the event.

Athletes competed in the "remote-controlled endurance of power vessels" category, showcasing their operational skills. Photo/ VCG

Participants' boats raced across the water in the "remote-controlled endurance of power vessels" competition. Photo/ VCG

In the "straight-line speed racing of power vessels" competition, a participant's "vessel" prepared to depart. Photo/ VCG

The "2023 final of traditional science and technology maritime model competition for primary and secondary school students in Dongcheng District"commenced. Photo/ VCG

Editor:Li Yuanyuan
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