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Primary school students in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province visited a health experience center to learn about balanced nutrition

Time:2023-05-17 15:36:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, May 17 (Youth.cn) -On May 17th, 2023, in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, Qianqiu Campus of Wuyang School in Deqing County carried out an education activity with the theme "nutrition and health", organizing students to go to the public health experience center. Through the naked eye 3D multimedia interaction, VR simulation experience, nutrition and health popularization and other forms, the concept of scientific diet and balanced nutrition was conveyed to children, helping them develop a healthy and civilized lifestyle.

Primary school students were learning about the eight major systems of human body by experiencing the naked eye 3D exploration of human body. Photo/ VCG

Primary school students were observing insect mouthparts through a microscope. Photo/ VCG

Primary school students were watching lung changes at different ages of smoking. Photo/ VCG

Primary school students were learning about microbes by playing games of destroying viruses and microorganisms. Photo/ VCG

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