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Junior high school students in Yunnan create 17-meter-long painting in salute to ancient Chinese masterpiece

Time:2022-02-25 14:00:00 Source: People's Daily Online China Youth International


  (Photo provided by the interviewee)

  To help the students gain a deeper understanding of the charm of traditional art, Li Haiyan, who teaches traditional Chinese painting to them, explained the ancient masterpiece to them in all of its many details. She also let the students watch an episode of the TV program National Treasure, which told the stories behind the masterpiece.

  “The students were stunned by the painting scroll and its blue-green landscape,” said Li, adding that it’s her responsibility to help the students appreciate the beauty of profound traditional Chinese culture and art and to spread Chinese civilization all across the country.

  Now Li is busy guiding her students to create a scroll about the splendid scenery in Yunnan Province using traditional Chinese painting skills.

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