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It's Time That Reason Should Take Precedence

Time:2019-06-18 18:20:00 Source: China Youth China Youth International

  Recently, China Youth Daily interviewed heads of youth organizations and young leaders from different countries on hot issues in the field of global governance, listening to their voices on global governance, globalization and the prospect of economic development. The author of this article is Azizuddin Ahmad, Executive Secretary of AYC (Asian Youth Council).

  Biggest challenge to global governance is asymmetric dominance of any one nation especially within the global political realm; this is caused by the following factors: (a) lopsided military strength accrued to certain nuclear-powered nations - which will then affect the international security, and (b) the deteriorating climate change factor that subsequently lead to unmitigated disasters. These factors are disrupting and definitely game-changers.

  The principle to adhere to when dealing with this challenge is?mutual respect?amongst the world superpowers. No one world power should dominate any discussions. The global governance should be a discussion of equals, even at the global level; no one should put anyone else to any kinds of subjugation.

  We could not stop the US from espousing their "America First" concept while we ourselves are doing exactly the same thing. The economic uncertainties that have arisen from this war jingoism are deafening. There should be lots of backchannel discussions amongst the global powers to relieve pressure from all sides. It is time that reason should take precedence.

  Unilateralism is a phenomenon where a global power assume the role of "world policeman" on the misleading premise that no other nations could challenge its supremacy. This error of judgement is predominantly predicated on the fact that this global power has unsurpassed military might. It finally fuels the rise of nationalistic spirit amongst its jingoistic elements of the population.

  Arrest the Nationalism waves of any kind! It is predatory and vicious. We have witnessed Rwanda Genocide, the Slaughtering of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War in the mid-1990s, the Nazi Nationalism during Hitler's Years and many other incidents during the last 100 years - all of which were directly resulted from the rise of Nationalism. We have learnt enough to remind the future generations of this threat. We can accept Patriotism, but NOT Nationalism!

  We should go for multilateralism - a mutual understanding of global equals. The first among equals is the one that can excel through its moral rectitude, not through military might. Ghandi once said: "An eye for an eye, and the world goes blind!"

  There are still ample prospects for multilateralism to thrive. The world youth should play their roles. It is their future that counts. The elders should ensure that the inter-generational prosperity is sustained for future youth to harness, when the time comes for them to step up and rise to occasion.

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