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Xi Jinping plans new space of youth employment while youth career pioneering just in time

Time:2016-03-23 15:18:00 Source: 中国青年网 Source:中国青年网 China Youth International

  In May 2013, Xi Jinping held cordial talks with applicants in Tianjin HR Development & Promotion Center.[Photo/Xinhua reporter: Lan Hongguang]

  Beijing, March.23 China Youth.cn (reporter: Kai Ke; intern reporter: Huang Angjin) “People’s livelihood has no terminus, but just continuous new starting points”, promise of people's livelihood made by Xi Jinping still remains fresh to “Xi Dada+” studio. There is no limit to the improvement of people’s livelihood, while realization of employment being the powerful gripper of it. Just as Xi Jinping said when visiting Tianjin in 2013, “Employment has a vital bearing on the people's livelihood”.

  “Xi Dada+” studio found out that the problem of college students employment has been noted specially in this year's government work report. The report pointed out that there will be up to 7.65 million college graduates this year. Therefore employment promotion programs and employment guiding plans need to be implemented so as to promote employment and entrepreneurship through multiple channels. Employment is a crucial link for college students to step into the society, and the smooth running of which not only concerns 7. 65 million young people, but also concerns the people's livelihood project of the whole society.

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