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The international communist plutonomist: Xi’s visit to UK would be a good model for the cooperation between countries with different social systems

Time:2015-10-21 15:00:00 Source: China Youth China Youth International

  Beijing, October, 21st, China Youth
  By Ji Wanlin

  Wadi'h Halabi, a member of Central Economic Committee, the director of Marxist Education Centre in Massachusetts and a plutonomist, visited Beijing for academic purpose on the invitation of the Institute of Contemporary China Studies of Beijing Language and Culture University. As an important plutonomist, professor Halabi is very concerned about President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United Kingdom. In the interview with China Youth, he analyzed the international economic situation and China’s global economic strategy in detail.

  It is a groundless statement that China’s economic development grabs American workers’ jobs
  Wadi'h Halabi explained that the financial crisis in 2008 has proved that capitalist economy has its own limitations which are deeply rooted in its institutional foundation and are not going to change as time goes by. As a developing country, China successfully overcame the impact of financial crisis. Chinese economy played an increasingly vital role in post-crisis era, instead of grabbing American workers’ jobs. Suffering from the crisis and the increasingly tight domestic demand, many industries in the USA could face collapse if without China. It was the cooperation between China in trade and investment that saved them, which was a triumph of socialism. As concluded by the professor, China is a stabilizer of global economy in the post-crisis era.

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