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Photo List 6 global navigation apps for Android

  Android is definitely known for Google Maps and of course, Google Maps Navigation, but Android is so much more than Google. There are tons of other apps out there that have very little to do with Google, and when it comes to getting from A to B on your own, there are some excellent GPS navigation apps for Android in the Play Store.

  From industry stalwarts like TomTom to more independent options, androidheadlines.com has found more global navigation apps for Android.


  HERE maps is now available on most Android smartphones. There's no tablet support, sadly, but there is the ability to download and save maps in over 100 countries, see real-time traffic alerts and generally just get from point-to-point quicker and with less hassle.

Editor:WJ Source: 中国网 Time:2015-07-16 00:00:00


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