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The tracing of Covid-19 origin should be in a scientific manner not politicizing

Time:2021-07-27 20:51:00 Source: Youth China China Youth International

  First, after Biden took office, he courted his Allies and hyped up the issue of virus tracing. On many occasions such as the G7 summit, Biden made the issue of virus tracing a common issue for the United States and its Allies, forming a group of Allies.
  Second, Biden ordered a U.S. intelligence source of investigation, and once the United States and the international scientific community respect Fauci, director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases "back and fill", on the question of whether the virus leakage from the laboratory ambiguous, completely changed the attitude and viewpoint of the Trump administration, In fact, it is in line with the Biden administration's attempt to "politicize" the issue of tracing the virus.
  Third, by reestablishing cooperation with WHO, the United States is not returning to a multilateral cooperation framework, but rather trying to dominate or even control who.
  As a global power, the United States has turned the scientific issue of tracing the origin of Covid-19 into a tool of strategic competition and even confrontation with China, which has gone against its purposed universal values.
  (Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations, Jilin University)

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