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Photo List Dew gathered, becomes frost, everything prepared for the coming winter

Beijing, October 22 (Youth.cn) - This year’s Frost’s Descent falls on October 22nd. Frost’s Descent is the 18th solar term in a year and is also the last solar term in autumn season. In Frost’s Descent, everything in the nature is prepared for the coming winter. The warmness is buried by the land while the coldness turns dew into frost. Frost’s Descent is a solar term when the temperature difference grows between day and night and the average temperature falls. Because of the temperature difference, most people may feel autumn-dryness. In China, people admire chrysanthemum, eat persimmons, climb high to admire natural landscapes and eat certain foods to keep warm during this solar term. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-10-22 15:39:00

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