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Spokesperson's Remarks|China stands ready to advocate true multilateralism at the Summit of the Future and the UN General Assembly

Time:2024-09-24 21:16:00 Source: China Youth Daily China Youth International

China stands ready to advocate true multilateralism at the Summit of the Future and the UN General Assembly, and work with countries around the world to advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and make the world a better and more peaceful place, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said at a regular press conference in Beijing on Tuesday.

It is reported that the UN Summit of the Future opened in New York and adopted the Pact for the Future, proposing plans for action in areas of international peace and security to tackle global challenges. At the Summit, UN Secretary-General António Guterres?noted?that, "our world is going through a time of turbulence and a period of transition. We must take the first decisive steps towards updating and reforming international cooperation. People everywhere are hoping for a future of peace, and prosperity.?And they see the United Nations as essential to solving these challenges".


Lin Jian, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson/MFA PRC

Lin introduced that on September 23 local time, special representative of President Xi Jinping, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the UN Summit of the Future in New York and delivered a speech titled "Bearing in Mind Our Common Future And Jointly Building a Better Tomorrow".

Lin noted that foreign Minister Wang Yi noted that the future carried the hope of human development. Facing transformation unseen in a century, it is highly relevant to hold the Summit of the Future, adopt the Pact for the Future to galvanize collective efforts for world peace and development, and to map out the future of humanity. President Xi Jinping has put forward the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, advocated high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and proposed the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. These vision and initiatives have provided new solutions for tackling the common challenges of humanity and drawn a new blueprint for building a better world.

"Foreign Minister Wang Yi elaborated on the four-point proposal made by China. Countries of the world need to build a future of peace and tranquility.?Countries should uphold the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. Major countries, in particular, should lead by example. They should break geopolitical circles and rise above bloc confrontation. Countries of the world need to build a future of development and prosperity.?Countries need to share development opportunities and pursue win-win cooperation. We need to follow a people-centered development philosophy and advocate a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, so as to deliver the fruits of development to our people and ensure common prosperity for all countries. Countries of the world need to build a future of fairness and justice.?We need to build an equal and orderly multipolar world, strengthen the authority of international rule of law, reject the law of the jungle where the strong bully the weak, oppose acts of hegemonism such as unilateral sanctions, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries. Countries of the world need to build a better future.?We need to push back the frontier and explore new practices, and make global governance more just and equitable. China supports the UN in serving as the main channel in AI governance, and will propose the AI Capacity-Building Action Plan for Good and for All." Lin said.

Lin stressed that facing global challenges such as conflicts and turbulence, development imbalances and governance disorder, the international community needs solidarity and cooperation, rather than division and confrontation. It is fundamental to uphold true multilateralism. Only by firmly defending the UN-centered international system and the international order based on international law, can multilateralism be translated into action and can global governance be able to make progress. (By Ma Ziqian/China Youth Daily)

Editor:Cao Di
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