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Photo List Panda fossil was found in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province

Beijing, August 8 (Youth.cn) - Panda fossil was found in a limestone cave in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province. According to the collection on site, 90% skull fossil has found and 70% other bones’ fossil has found. Considering the shape, the teeth structure and the sagittal crest growth, experts deduced that the panda dead 10 thousand to 200 thousand years ago. It was the first time that a relatively complete panda fossil had been found in Shaanxi Province. It is proved that it has high research value and science-teaching value. The expert preliminary estimated, through scientific diagnosis, that the panda was a grown female panda. Its fossil has unprecedented completion, which is rare in China and has great significance for scientific research of panda’s evoluation history. After the collection, the natural resource department will start further research works. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-08-08 16:04:00

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