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Photo List Chili sauce of Loudi is being dried under sun

Beijing, July 12 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken on July 11th in Loudi, Hunan Province. Local people were stirring chili sauce under sun. With temperature rises, some chili sauce producers and growers started to dry their chili sauce. Smell of sauce is in the air. Based on local paprika, mixed with wheat, glutinous rice, sword beans and other ingredients, the Yongfeng chili sauce is produced after several procedures, including boiling, fermentation, grinding, drying and other processes. With hundreds years history, Yongfeng chili sauce was listed in provincial intangible cultural heritage list and national geographic indication protection products list. These years, local authority promotes traditional chili sauce industry within the cooperation modality of "company+cooperatives+production base". Complete industrial chain of growing, processing, selling, e-commerce is taken shape and becoming important way for increasing growers' incomes. Photo/VCG

Editor:Hou Qianqian Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-07-12 14:16:00

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