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Photo List Meet Huai'an, the Grand Canal's Caoyun capital

The Liyunhe (Li Canal) Cultural Corridor in Huai'an, East China's Jiangsu province, brims with hustle and bustle on summer evenings. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The Liyunhe (Li Canal) Cultural Corridor in Huai'an, East China's Jiangsu province, brims with hustle and bustle on summer evenings.

Residents and tourists come here, strolling along the bank, shopping at the night market to find local snacks and handicrafts, enjoying the iconic Huaiyang cuisine at restaurants overlooking the canal, or going on a boat ride on Liyunhe. With colorful lighting teasing reflections of trees and ancient-style architecture along the banks, the 30-minute ride allows tourists to fully take in the canal's nighttime beauty.

Original Title:Meet Huai'an, the Grand Canal's Caoyun capital Editor:Hou Qianqian Source: chinadaily.com.cn Time:2024-06-28 20:22:00

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