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Photo List Lush and green wetland park in summer

Beijing, June 28 (Youth.cn) - Sanggouwan national wetland park is lush and green in summer, contrast finely with blue sky, white clouds, sightseeing route and city landscape. Lake green on one side and tree green on another, an ecological landscape is formed in this place. Adhering to the principle “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable”, Rongcheng city of Shandong Province pays greater efforts on wetland protection and refuses destructive land development. Protection along with management, the ecological effects can be seen clearly. As a “green lung” of the city, the wetland park contributes a lot on conserving urban water sources, maintaining regional water balance, regulating regional climate, reducing pollution, protecting biodiversity and beautifying the environment. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-06-28 16:40:00

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