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Photo List Fruit farmers cared for Shine Muscat grapes in midsummer

Beijing, June 25 (Youth.cn) - On June 25th, 2024, in Huaibei, Anhui Province, fruit farmers were tending to the Shine Muscat grapes in a greenhouse in Renguanzhuang Village, Gaoyue Street, Duji District.  

In midsummer, farmers in Renguanzhuang Village, Gaoyue Street, Duji District of Huaibei City, Anhui Province seized the agricultural season to prune and thin out grapevines, laying the foundation for a bountiful harvest. In recent years, Duji District of Huaibei City has actively guided farmers to plant high-quality grape varieties such as Shine Muscat, boosting farmers' income and aiding rural revitalization. Photo/ VCG 

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-06-25 20:40:00

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