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Photo List 11 biodiversity conservation communities were built in Haidian

Beijing, May 22 (Youth.cn) - Parents took their children to Beiwu Park on May 19th. Photo shows that they were making an “insect hotel”. May 22nd marks International Biodiversity Day. This year, the UN set the topic as “Be part of the Plan”, aiming to encourage everyone to take part in the implementation of the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” (GBF). Before the International Biodiversity Day, Haidian Landscaping and Forestry Bureau held an activity to guide citizens to know about the biodiversity efforts and results made by local authorities through freeing rescued birds, field visiting, expert explanation and interactive activities. Local authorities attach great importance to biodiversity conservation. These years, they pay greater efforts to protect wild animals and plants, as part of biodiversity protection plan. 11 biodiversity conservation communities were built in Haidian district. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-05-22 16:47:00

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