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Photo List Hanfu costume parade in Qianmen attracted tourists

Beijing, April 29 (Youth.cn) - On April 28th, 2024, in the Qianmen commercial district of Beijing, a Hanfu costume parade drew the attention of tourists. The "2024 Qianmen National Style Festival" kicked off in the Qianmen area on that day.  

The event will span across the Qianmen commercial district and the eastern area of Qianmen, continuing until June 30th. During this period, a variety of cultural activities will be held, including Hanfu performances, exhibitions and sales of intangible cultural heritage brands, national style markets, book exchanges, and a series of immersive cultural performances, all as part of the trendy national culture series. Photo/ VCG 

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-04-29 13:50:00

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