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Photo List Fishermen harvested kelp under the morning glow

Beijing, June 5 (Youth.cn) - On June 5th, 2023, in the early morning light, at the Allen Bay Marine Ranch in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, the blue sea sparkled with a vibrant and colorful sunrise. Seagulls flew joyfully while fishermen, adorned by the morning glow, steered their boats to harvest kelp. The scene was filled with a bustling atmosphere of vitality.

In recent years, Rongcheng City has vigorously promoted the development of the marine industry through technological advancements, focusing on the protection of the marine ecological environment. It actively explores the "ecological aquaculture model with multiple nutrient levels in shallow seas," making ecological aquaculture an emerging industry. The area dedicated to such practices has been increasing, resulting in a significant growth in overall benefits.

Editor:Li Yuanyuan Source: Youth.cn Time:2023-06-05 15:41:00


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