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Quotes from tech biz leaders at 7th WIC

Time:2023-05-19 10:55:00 Source: chinadaily.com.cn China Youth International

  iFlytek chairman: SparkDesk is set to surpass the current version of ChatGPT in Chinese in October

  Liu Qingfeng, chairman of iFlytek, speaks at the Summit on Innovation and Development of the 7th World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin, on May 18, 2023. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

  China needs to seize the opportunities in the AI industry through two key elements: developing independent and controllable platforms and learning from global advanced intelligence technologies, said Liu Qingfeng, chairman of iFlytek.

  Liu said that cognitive large-scale models have emerged as a breakthrough in achieving generative AI. However, he acknowledged that pure large-scale models still have some limitations, such as the challenge of timely knowledge updates and the potential for misinterpretation in factual question-answering.

  He highlighted the progress of iFlytek's SparkDesk, an AI-based large language model released on May 6. SparkDesk has surpassed ChatGPT in three key capabilities: text generation, knowledge questioning and mathematical abilities, he added.

  It is expected that SparkDesk will achieve a universal model that matches ChatGPT in October, surpassing the current version in Chinese and leading the education and healthcare industries.

Original Title:Quotes from tech biz leaders at 7th WIC
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