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Citizens explored ancient cultural relics in Shijiazhuang before International Museum Day

Time:2023-05-16 15:12:00 Source: Youth.cn China Youth International

Beijing, May 16 (Youth.cn) -On May 16th, 2023, in Shijiazhuang, visitors were exploring the exhibition of "Mighty Ancient Zhongshan State" at Hebei Museum.

On the occasion of International Museum Day on May 18th, many people visited Hebei Museum to admire ancient cultural relics and learn about historical and cultural knowledge, experiencing the enchanting charm of museums.

Visitors were exploring the exhibition of "Mighty Ancient Zhongshan State" at Hebei Museum. Photo/ VCG

Visitors were exploring the exhibition of cultural relics at Hebei Museum. Photo/ VCG

Visitors were exploring the exhibition of "jade clothes sewn with gold wire" at Hebei Museum. Photo/ VCG

Visitors were exploring the exhibition of ancient coins at Hebei Museum. Photo/ VCG

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