By Tai Lihua and Zhao Ligang (hearing impaired) Butterfies in dream by 20 hearing impaired dancers
由聋人邰丽华编导、一群聋孩子表演 的精缩舞剧《化蝶》,是他们理想中 的《罗密欧与茱丽叶》。与千百年来 生离死别的爱情悲剧不同,《化蝶》 突破了传统的内涵,以浪漫主义的表 现手法,演绎两位在人间相爱但未能 结成伴侣的青年,幻化成绚丽的蝴蝶 在天堂重逢。
They have studied in the same class for three years.
They have fallen in love with each other.
But, due to the families opposition to their matches, they were unable to marry and since have parted with reluctance.