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Photo List Baby’s breath spirea in full bloom attracts crowds

Beijing, March 17 (Youth.cn) On March 16, 2025, at the Shuangfeng Branch of the China National Tea Museum along Longjing Road in Hangzhou, the Babys Breath Spirea, commonly known in China as snow fountain flower due to its cascading clusters of small white flowers, has entered its peak blooming season. The dense blossoms, resembling layers of pristine snow, drape elegantly like a waterfall, adding a touch of romantic charm to the citys spring scenery. This breathtaking display has drawn throngs of flower enthusiasts and photographers to capture its fleeting beauty.

Historically referred to as Pearl Flower in the Qing Dynasty botanical text Hua Jing (Flower Mirror), the plants Chinese scientific name, 珍珠绣线菊 (pearl and thread chrysanthemum), is recognized in Flora of China. Renowned for its ornamental value, this delicate shrub is a favorite in traditional Chinese gardens and landscape design. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-03-17 15:34:00

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