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Photo List Pupils in mountainous area take cable cars for school commuting

Beijing, February 28 (Youth.cn) - Pupils in a mountainous area in Qujing, Yunnan Province can now take cable cars to pass across the Nizhu River Grand Canyon for school commuting. The Nizhu River Grand Canyon, located near the boarder of Yunnan and Guizhou, forms a natural barrier to the children who attend school in the region. In the past decades, children in the nearby villages had to climb a mountain and ford a river to go to school. They had to spend as much as 3 hours on the way. Now, with the construction of a bridge, a lift and cable car equipment, they can go to school and go back home more safely. Now, it only takes 50 minutes for them to go to school. Photo/CFP

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-02-28 16:48:00

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