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Photo List Weihai, Shandong: Sunrise illuminates the marine ranch

Beijing, February 13 (Youth.cn) - On the morning of February 13, 2025, in Weihai City, Shandong Province, at the Sanggou Bay Marine Ranch in Rongcheng City, the brilliant sunrise interplayed with the sea, blue sky, ships, ecological aquaculture cages, and wind turbines, creating a magnificent and colorful ecological landscape.

In recent years, Rongcheng has been committed to the goal of building a beautiful China, continuously improving the quality of the marine ecological environment, vigorously promoting new multi-level ecological aquaculture technologies in the ocean, reducing carbon emissions, and effectively promoting the healthy development of the local marine economy, fostering harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and painting a new beautiful picture of marine ecology. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-02-13 13:59:00

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