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Photo List The metro station of Shenyang is wearing a "big flower" cotton coat

Beijing, February 7 (Youth.cn) - Recently, in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, the Huaiyuanmen Station of the Shenyang Metro Line 1 decorates itself with the iconic pattern of "Big Flowers of the Northeast China" usually for clothes and bedding in China's northeast region. In the murals of the station, elements such as the pickled cabbage jars, "28-inch bicycles", small shops, enamel cups, and old-fashioned Thermos flasks are all included, as if bringing the childhood memories of winter and the festive atmosphere into the metro station, attracting passengers to stop and take photos as souvenirs. Forged by the Shenyang Metro, the Huaiyuanmen Station featured "Big Flowers pf the Northeast China" is the place where one can immerse themselves in the charm of the famous traditional pattern. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-02-07 14:49:00

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