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Photo List The golden rapeseed blossoms in the field of Weishan

Beijing, February 5 (Youth.cn) - On February 3, 2025, in the Gucheng Village of Miaojie Town, Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, tourists are roaming in the golden sea of rapeseed blooms. As the spring is coming, the 17.4 square kilometers rapeseed field blossoms in the origin of the Honghe River in Weishan. Residents and tourists are seizing the precious moment to take pictures, feel the warm sun, and enjoy the fragrance of the flowers during the Spring Festival.

As the renowned producer of the rapeseed in Yunnan, Weishan has continuously adjusting its production structure, upgrading its rapeseed species to double low, and developing county sightseeing projects during recent years. Its golden rapeseed blooms have already become a well received destination for tourists across the country. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-02-05 14:42:00

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