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Photo List Peony lantern shines over the Beijing Fun street block

Beijing, February 5 (Youth.cn) - On February 4, 2025, January 7 of the Yi Si Year of the Snake in the traditional Chinese calendar, a giant peony lantern shines in the night within the bright Beijing Fun commercial street block. The peony lantern is located in the Langfang Hutong, where some 20 lantern shops used to be. The hutong used to light up with lanterns set by the shops during the Spring Festival, earning the name "Lantern Street". In the Spring Festival of the Year of the Snake, the Xicheng District of Beijing gathers the resource of the local and time-honoured shops in the area of Beijing Fun, recreates the festive lantern fair of the lantern street. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-02-05 14:34:00

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