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Photo List The AVIC AG-600 "Kunlong" amphibious aircraft is "flying" in Wuhan

Beijing, January 27 (Youth.cn) - On January 24, 2025, an AVIC AG-600 "Kunlong" amphibious aircraft "lands" in front of the Wuhan Kunlong Plaza.

This 4:1 ratio model duplicates the AVIC AG-600 "Kunlong" amphibious aircraft in the finest. The heavy aircraft is the answer for the demand in the area of emergency response and natural disaster prevention of China, the first heavy special operations aircraft designed in accordance with civil airworthiness standards. Together with the Xi'an Y-20 heavy militarily transport aircraft and the COMAC C919 passenger aircraft, the AVIC AG-600 is one of the three jewels in the crown of China's aviation industry.

The Kunlong Plaza is the center of the Highland of the General Aviation Industry of the Central China and the research base for the special operations aircraft, a major engine in the low altitude economic development. Photo/CFP

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-27 15:06:00

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