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Photo List Remote mobile charge vehicles begin service in Beijing's expressway

Beijing, January 26 (Youth.cn) - On January 23, 2025, remote mobile charging vehicles begin their first time service in the electric vehicle charging station in Beijing's Baige Service Area (to Beijing) of Beijing-Xizang Expressway.

As the Spring Festival of the Year of the Snake is coming, traffic becomes more and more heavy both going and coming out of Beijing. Driving electric cars has become a popular choice for citizens of Beijing, for which the Beijing Electric Power Company of the State Grid has prepared by finishing two rounds of checking for Beijing's 108 charging stations, as well as putting remote mobile charge vehicles into service in the service area for the first time to provide emergency charging service. Additional charging piles and direction leading signs have been set up, and the company has already increased the manpower for equipment checking rounds during the festival, all to ensure smooth travels of the citizens. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-26 16:19:00

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