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Photo List Crowded people in an old-style state-run department store in Fuzhou

Beijing, January 23 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken in an old-style state-run department store in Fuzhou on January 22nd. On upcoming Chinese new year, the only state-run department store in Fuzhou is in its busiest period of the year. The store opened in 1969, originally named “Honghu Department Store”, now changed name to “Xihu Department Store”. As one of the earliest state-run department store, it carries memories of older generations. Since 1999, it switched to contract-system operation mode. In the past two decades, by creative operations, it serves nearby customers by providing small price but good quality daily necessities. Because of its cultural attributes and scarcity, it is favored by more and more people. It becomes popular on social network because of its retro style. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-23 17:00:00

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