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Photo List The renowned Sunbeam Theatre of Hong Kong is closing

Beijing, January 21 (Youth.cn) - On January 20, 2025, the Sunbeam Theatre, located in the north of the Hong Kong Island, is holding its open day event, inviting citizens and Cantonese Opera lovers for visits.

Founded in 1972, the Sunbeam Theatre is among the few of private owned large theatre for Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong. The theatre is scheduled to close in early March.

To cater for the modern audience, the Sunbeam Theatre has developed multiple programs other than its main focus Cantonese Opera in recent years, such as 3D movies, and been keeping upgrade its playback and sounding equipment. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-21 16:59:00

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