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Photo List The highest bridge in the world has finished construction

Beijing, January 21 (Youth.cn) - On January 17, 2025, the last steel truss of the Huajiang River Valley Bridge of the Liuzhi-Anlong Expressway is installed by the cable crane, which has the largest span in the world, in Zhenfeng County of the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. With a total length of 2,890 meters, a span of 1,420 meters, a height of 625 meters from the river surface, the bridge is the largest bridge built in mountains, and the highest bridge in the world.

The Huajiang River Valley Bridge is a large span steel truss suspension bridge with 93 sections of steel trusses and a total weight of 21 thousand tons. Firstly began its installation on November 4 of 2024, the steel truss installation of the bridge is completed within two months, minus electricity inspection and bad weather. The bridge will shorten the travel from Liuzhi Special District to Anlong County by half, from three and a half hours to only one hour, and thus hugely benefits the economic development of Guizhou Province by accelerating the transport of resources, and bring income to local areas. At a 94% completion currently, the bridge is expected to be operational in the second half of 2025. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-21 16:48:00

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