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Photo List The largest and most eco-friendly car carrier ship is delivered

Beijing, January 15 (Youth.cn) On January 14, 2025, the car carrier ship, “Hoegh Sunlight,” is delivered to its buyer in the Haitong Taicang Port in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. With a capacity of 9,100 cars, the ship will greatly improve the current shortage of transportation of China’s car exportation to a much faster and more efficient level.

With a length of 199.9 meters, a width of 37.6 meters, and a moulded depth of 14.53 meters, the largest and most eco-friendly 9.35-meter-draft car carrier ship uses both LNG and regular fuel.

Constructed by China for the Norwegian Ro-Ro shipping company Hoegh Autoliners, “Hoegh Sunlight” is the 4th module in its production line, and the first and largest Ro-Ro car carrier ship delivered in 2025. It is scheduled to operated the routes in Europe and the Americas to expand their transportation capacity.

“Hoegh Sunlight” will carry near 5,000 cars and heavy equipment of Chinese production on its maiden voyage to Britain, France, Belgium, and other European countries. It is the first large car carrier ship delivered in the Haitong Taicang Port. The port, as an important part of the North Wing of the Shanghai International Shipping Center, is introducing Ro-Ro ships from the Shanghai Port, and has loaded 71.2 thousand cars since its opening a month ago. Its shipping routes covers 116 nations and regions worldwide. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-16 16:00:00

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