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Photo List Qingdao: 400 thousand tons FPSO’s upper part begins transportation

Beijing, January 14 (Youth.cn) - On January 13, 2025, produced by Chinas national leading manufacturer in the area of offshore engineering and construction, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (COOEC), for Brazilian energy cooperation Petrobras, the upper part of the 400 thousand tons Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) P79 begins its transportation in the port of Qingdao International Advanced Equipment Production Center. All 13 upper parts of the FPSO is thus sending to their destination, which shows the advanced production ability of China for the offshore engineering equipment. 

The FPSO is wildly used in offshore oil drilling, and is extremely complicated in structure, combining oil drilling, processing, storage, transportation, and staff accommodation, as well as production monitoring. With a length of 345.3 meters and width of 60 meters, the P79 FPSO has a displacement of 400 thousand tons, and is expected to operate in the 2,000 meters deep water of Brazils Búzios deep water oil field located in the Santos Basin. COOEC is responsible for the design, manufacture, and transportation of P79s 13 core compressors, which weigh 13 tons in total. Photo/VCG


On January 13, 2025, produced by Chinas national leading manufacturer in the area of offshore engineering and construction, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (COOEC), for Brazilian energy cooperation Petrobras, the upper part of the 400 thousand tons Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) P79 begins its transportation in the port of Qingdao International Advanced Equipment Production Center. All 13 upper parts of the FPSO is thus sending to their destination, which shows the advanced production ability of China for the offshore engineering equipment. 

The FPSO is wildly used in offshore oil drilling, and is extremely complicated in structure, combining oil drilling, processing, storage, transportation, and staff accommodation, as well as production monitoring. With a length of 345.3 meters and width of 60 meters, the P79 FPSO has a displacement of 400 thousand tons, and is expected to operate in the 2,000 meters deep water of Brazils Búzios deep water oil field located in the Santos Basin. COOEC is responsible for the design, manufacture, and transportation of P79s 13 core compressors, which weigh 13 tons in total. Photo/VCG 


On January 13, 2025, produced by Chinas national leading manufacturer in the area of offshore engineering and construction, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (COOEC), for Brazilian energy cooperation Petrobras, the upper part of the 400 thousand tons Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) P79 begins its transportation in the port of Qingdao International Advanced Equipment Production Center. All 13 upper parts of the FPSO is thus sending to their destination, which shows the advanced production ability of China for the offshore engineering equipment. 

The FPSO is wildly used in offshore oil drilling, and is extremely complicated in structure, combining oil drilling, processing, storage, transportation, and staff accommodation, as well as production monitoring. With a length of 345.3 meters and width of 60 meters, the P79 FPSO has a displacement of 400 thousand tons, and is expected to operate in the 2,000 meters deep water of Brazils Búzios deep water oil field located in the Santos Basin. COOEC is responsible for the design, manufacture, and transportation of P79s 13 core compressors, which weigh 13 tons in total. Photo/VCG 


On January 13, 2025, produced by Chinas national leading manufacturer in the area of offshore engineering and construction, Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. (COOEC), for Brazilian energy cooperation Petrobras, the upper part of the 400 thousand tons Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) P79 begins its transportation in the port of Qingdao International Advanced Equipment Production Center. All 13 upper parts of the FPSO is thus sending to their destination, which shows the advanced production ability of China for the offshore engineering equipment. 

The FPSO is wildly used in offshore oil drilling, and is extremely complicated in structure, combining oil drilling, processing, storage, transportation, and staff accommodation, as well as production monitoring. With a length of 345.3 meters and width of 60 meters, the P79 FPSO has a displacement of 400 thousand tons, and is expected to operate in the 2,000 meters deep water of Brazils Búzios deep water oil field located in the Santos Basin. COOEC is responsible for the design, manufacture, and transportation of P79s 13 core compressors, which weigh 13 tons in total. Photo/VCG 

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2025-01-14 17:17:00

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