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Photo List Tibetan people celebrate new year in joy atmosphere

Beijing, December 30 (Youth.cn) - A Tibetan town in Gansu Province held a festival celebration on December 28th. Over 3000 tourists participated, with local residents, sports and dancing activities like “bull dragging”, “thick stick pulling”, “drifting on ice”, “snow wrestling”, “gliding on ice”, “Guozhuang dance” and folk dancing to celebrate the upcoming new year. Unique natural landscape makes this place a popular sightseeing and short-trip destination that focuses on ice and snow admiring. The “cold resource” releases “hot economy energy”. On upcoming new year, many ice sports lovers from neighbor provinces and cities step into the nature to enjoy ice sports while admiring landscape. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-12-30 16:32:00

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