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Photo List The Hanshan Temple lights up for bell sounding of the New Year’s Eve

Beijing, December 30 (Youth.cn) - On the night of December 29, 2024, the Hanshan Temple of Suzhou lights up its Bell Tower, the Yard of the Giant Bell and Stele, and the Maple Bridge area to celebrate the bell sounding, which will take place on the coming New Years Eve. 

The 46th Bell Sounding Event on the New Years Eve, themed the sound of the bell sends blessings to all, will be held on the night of December 31, where the abbot of the temple, the Grand Monk Qiushuang, will sound the bell 108 times in the Bell Tower. 

The tour route of the Hanshan Temple, designed delicately considering the structure and environment of the temple, will connect all the sites. Participants can enjoy Suzhou style performances blending traditional and modern arts, such as traditional operas, hanfu fashion shows, traditional instrument symphony orchestras, and Suzhou style delicacies like Dingsheng rice cakes, crunchy candies, bok choy glutinous rice dumplings, as well as Suzhou intangible cultural heritages like kesi (silk carving), Suzhou embroidery, and colored-lantern making. There will also be interactive activities to enjoy. 

The event will be broadcast live at other celebration venues including Chayuanchang, the Wall of the Xiangmen Gate, Suzhou Center, Suzhou Bay Dream Water World, Suzhou Amusement Land, and Yangcheng International E-Sports Hall, for the first time. Photo/VCG

Editor:Wang Zimu Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-12-30 14:22:00

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