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Photo List Cars pass through “road of salix mongolica” (1/4)

Beijing, October 31 (Youth.cn) - Photo taken in Zhangye, Gansu Province on October 29th. Cars passed through one of the most beautiful country road - “road of salix mongolica”. The road is safe, convenient, and extends to all directions.
In early autumn, driving on this road is being part of a piece of beautiful painting. The 500-kilometer road connects east to west and south to north. It is an essential part of the regional transportation network. One may clearly see the construction logic of “build roads around industries and create industries near roads”. The road is a “golden hardware” for high quality development of the society.
To accelerate the construction of roads in rural area, the local authority has built integrated inter-connected transportation system that connects east to west and south to north, with the main frame of railways and highways, connected by national and provincial highways. The safe, convenient, inter-connected transportation network has overall improved transportation infrastructure levels. The all-process development, based on “construction, management, maintain, operation”, extends the beauty of the road to the beauty of whole region and turns the transportation line to “the happiness line”. Meanwhile, the integrated development of rural-urban transportation give the rural area access to buses. Inter-connected roads in the rural area become a way to wealth for local residents while bringing them real convenience to their industries and their life. Photo/VCG

Editor:He Chang Source: Youth.cn Time:2024-10-31 17:13:00
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